2024, August 15: Dinners with your Priest
From Father Tim
Good Morning, Nativity!
Today we are going to talk about Christian fellowship. Mainly because it leads into my announcement of “Dinners with your Priest”.
It is next to impossible to do Christianity in a vacuum; we cannot do it alone. Yes, Jesus would frequently retreat to a desolate place. He did this so that he could talk to His Father, align himself with God, before reentering fellowship with His apostles, disciples, and followers — the sheep of his hand. He had to know His sheep to be the good shepherd. And to know one’s sheep one must be amongst them, in fellowship with them.
There have always been ascetical practices where one removes oneself from all distractions. The Desert Fathers, such as St. Anthony of Egypt, lived lives as hermits often for many years. But even the desert fathers attracted followers and ended up as teachers of other hermits. And their lifestyles and practices eventually led to Christian monasticism, lives of authority and prayer lived in community, in fellowship.
One of Jesus’ last acts before His arrest and crucifixion was to eat a meal with his apostles. In that meal he shared food and beverages with them. He taught them. He listened to them. He even served them, washing his apostle’s feet. That is how important fellowship was to Jesus!
Being in fellowship with our Christian Brothers and Sisters is crucial. There are many opportunities at our church for fellowship: celebrations like our 4th of July cookout, coffee hours, Christian education, spaghetti dinners, morning and evening prayers, etc. We can find more ways if there is interest: pizza and movie nights, game days, football watching parties. The opportunities are endless.
A fellowship opportunity that I am introducing this fall is “Dinners with your Priest.” I will never get to know all of you in the brief moments after a service or in a group setting like a coffee hour. Some people may be able to do that, but I cannot. And in all honesty, there is little that I enjoy more than a delicious meal that ends with everyone sitting and talking around the dining room table. It is how we get to now each other. It is how we find commonality, how we experience different viewpoints and interests. It is how we build relationships and friendships. It is how and where we can safely share our journeys with Christ, so that we can be bolder in sharing them with the rest of the world.
As if that is not enough, at your baptism you made a promise to be in Christian fellowship when you replied, “I will, with God’s help” to the celebrant asking you, “Will you continue in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers?” (BCP 417). So read the announcement about “Dinners with your Priest” that comes later in this email. Sign up for a night. I am quite sure it will not disappoint.
In the Peace and Love of Christ.
Fr. Timtmac_84@yahoo.com
FROM DEACON ROS Dear Nativity Family, It’s that time again! I am preparing to go to Lowell Correctional Institute for the Kairos ministry. The team and I will be in Lowell October 1 – 4. I ask for you to start praying now for women’s (and officer’s) hearts to be open to the gospel message of Jesus. Please pray for the team to fulfill the task at hand and that God will receive all of the glory. I will start collecting donations and names for the prayer chain this Sunday. Thank you for prayers and support for this important ministry. In His Service, Deacon Ros |
This Week August 18, 2024 13th Sunday After Pentecost 8:00am Holy Eucharist (no music)10:15 Holy Eucharist (with music) Fr. Tim MacDonald Deacon Ros Hall |
REGULAR SUNDAY SERVICE SCHEDULE: This Sunday, August 18, we will be returning to our normal Sunday morning schedule…………..8:00am no music, 10:15am with music. |
DINNERS WITH YOUR PRIEST As I announced last Sunday, I plan to have “dinner parties” at my house through the fall and into the new year with 6-12 guests at a time. This is a good opportunity to get to know each other. A priest must know his people to pastor them well. And I want to pastor well. There are sign-up sheets on the One Stop Sign Up board. The proposed dates are: – Friday, 9/13/2024, 5:30 – 8:30pm – Friday, 9/27/2024, 5:30 – 8:30pm – Friday, 11/8/2024, 5:30 – 8:30pm – Friday, 11/22/2024, 5:30 – 8:30pm – Friday, 12/13/2024, 5:30 – 8:30pm – Friday, 1/17/2025, 5:30 – 8:30pm – Friday, 1/31/2025, 5:30 – 8:30pm I do not yet know the menus for each date because I tend to shop the weekly sales flyers. A few ideas of what might be served, however, are: – Beef Tenderloin, Baked Potato, Asparagus – Churrasca con Chanchito (Chilean Grilled Pork Tenderloin), blackbeans, and rice – London Broil, Oven Roasted Potatoes, Grilled Squash/Zucchini – Cedar Planked Salmon, Rice Pilaf, Green Beans – Shrimp, Steak, and Squash Skewers, Rice I will accommodate special dietary needs (e.g., gluten free, shrimp/seafood allergies); just write that down on the sign-up sheet. I will also do my best to cook to the doneness (rare to well done) preferences of each guest. For now, I would like to keep this to those attending Nativity and their significant others/family. Later, however, I can see expanding this with you all inviting friends from outside of the church; food and fellowship is a wonderful evangelism tool! |
WEDNESDAY SERVICE: On Wednesday, August 14, we will be returning to Holy Eucharist and Healing Service at 10:00am. |
BASEBALL ANYONE? MON (Men of Nativity) is organizing a visit to Lecom Park for a Marauder’s baseball game on Tuesday, August 27, at 6:30pm. Everyone is invited!! Sign up at the One Stop Sign Up board. If needed, carpooling can be arranged, meet at church at 6:00pm. If driving there yourself, parking is at Maintenance Too Paper Co. across the street from the Stadium. More details to follow. |
JUNE CAROL HINES: For those “old timers” in our congregation who remember June Carol Hines, she passed into the arms of our Lord on July 20. Funeral service for her will be at Church of the Holy Spirit in Osprey on August 28 at 10:00am. |
STUDY GROUP: Sunday morning study group has resumed in the Library after the 9:15am service. There are still more Screwtape Letters to digest! |
DAILY OFFICE: Morning and Evening Prayer are now being offered in the church. Morning Prayer at 8:30am Mon-Thurs; Evening Prayer at 4:00pm Mon-Thurs. |
FRIDAY BIBLE STUDY: There will be NO Bible Study on Fridays during the month of August. It will resume on September 7. In September we will be using the study guide “Fascinating Bible Studies on Every Parable” by Dr. William Marty. If you would like more information, please email Judy Haywood at: judyhay@aol.com. |
ESTATE PLANNING: Have you remembered Nativity in your Will or your Estate plans? Our Endowment Committee is happy to assist. Please call the Parish Office to make a connection. |