2024, Jan 18: Welcome DEACON MacDonald
From Reverend Michael Durning, January 18, 2024
Dear Parish Family,

By this time next week, Mr. Timothy MacDonald will be the Rev. Timothy MacDonald, Deacon. All of us will have an opportunity to meet him, greet him, and to hear him preach this Sunday, the 21st. Here in the middle of “Ordinary Time” God has given us an Advent-like opportunity — time to pray, to anticipate, and to be grateful to God for His abundant generosity in supplying us with leadership for the future. I hope you are able to attend BOTH the Ordination and his visit with us this Sunday!
The week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins today, January 18 (the confession of St. Peter) and it ends January 25 (the Conversion of St. Paul). I commend the following prayer for the week:
Lord Jesus, who prayed that we might all be one, we pray to you for the unity of Christians, according to your will, according to your means. May your Spirit enable us to experience the suffering caused by division, to see our sin, and to hope beyond all hope. Amen.
Fr. Michael
This Saturday, January 20, “our soon-to-be very own” Tim MacDonald will be ordained as a Deacon. The service will be held at 11:00am at St. Peter’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg (140 4th St. N.). Carpooling will be available. All who are interested in driving and all who need a ride, please meet at the church parking lot at 9:30am this Saturday. Let’s come out in “droves” to support him!
This Sunday we welcome “our soon-to-be very own” Tim MacDonald (who by then will be Rev. Tim MacDonald, Deacon) to our church to preach the sermon. Come one, come all to meet our new minister.
Annual Donor Statements
Your 2023 annual donor (giving) statements are now available in the Parish Hall.

Annual Meeting and Pot Luck
Our Annual Meeting will take place on January 28 after the 10:15am service. There will be a Pot Luck Luncheon before the meeting so get your aprons on and bring something to share.
Flower Festival Arrangers
Mandatory meeting for all flower arrangers only for the Flower Festival on February 4. You can either come to the one after the 8:00am service or after the 10:15am service…..your choice.

Calling All Singers
Martha would like to invite you to sing in the 2024 English Tea & Flower Festival Concert at the Church of the Nativity! Music and study parts will be available shortly for self-study ahead of rehearsals. Rehearsal dates: Thursday, Feb. 15 and 22, 6:30pm-8:00pm. The performance will be on Saturday, February 24 at noon with a warm up time at 11:15am. To RSVP email Martha at marthalopezsoprano@gmail.com or call/text 941-284-7409. Many thanks!
Notice of Vestry Nominations

The Bylaws of the Parish require that there be a Nominating Committee tasked with proposing candidates for election to be Vestry members. Our Nominating Committee (Nancy Hurley, Debbie Teahan, John Watson) have nominated the following people to be elected to the Vestry Class of 2027: Nicki Coffaro, David Cashbaugh, Howard Papke. Their names will be formally placed into nomination at the January 28 Annual Meeting.
2024 Altar Flowers
The Calendar for the 2024 Altar Flowers is ready for your names and the names of loved ones (past, present, future). It is located in the same place as the 2023 Calendar, just inside the main doors to the church. Reserve your Sunday while they are still available!
Friday Bible Study
Bible Study continues tomorrow, Friday, January 19, at 10:00am in the Library. This week’s study continues with Lesson #2, focusing on Psalm 23. ALL are welcome!!
January 21 Music
Opening Hymn: 660 Master, Let Me Walk With Thee
Sequence Hymn: 530 Spread, O Spread, Thy Mighty Word
Offertory: Thy Word by Michael W. Smith & Amy Grant, Beth Davis, Soloist
Communion Hymn: Will You Come And Follow Me by Mary Alexandra
Recessional Hymn: 537 Christ For The World We Sing
January 21 Scriptures:
Jonah 3:1-5, 10
Psalm 62:6-14
1 Corinthians 7:29-31
Mark 1:14-20