Memorial Garden for Outdoor Worship and Interment of Ashes
Sola Dei Gloria: Only for the Glory of God!

The Sola Dei Gloria Memorial Garden covers approximately four acres of land and adjoins a nature preserve mandated by Florida law to remain forever in its natural state. The nature preserve serves as a perpetual background for God’s handiwork. Church of the Nativity established the garden for the interment of cremated remains. Ashes are interred in the garden’s center under two sprawling oak trees. We incribetThe names of the departed on a large granite plaque between the trees.
A statue of St. Francis of Assisi greets you upon entering the garden and stands guard over the small animals and birds which make this peaceful garden their home.

Other features of the Memorial Garden include an outdoor stone altar and benches located beneath a large wooden cross, a small pond, separate seating areas for prayer and reflection, and the stations of the cross.
Huge, ancient oak trees shroud the entire Memorial Garden, continually providing comforting shade from the warm Florida sun.
Why a Memorial Garden?
The Memorial Garden blesses Church of the Nativity with an area for outside worship, prayer, contemplation, weddings and for the disposition of ashes.

Who May Have Their Ashes in the Garden?
- Members of our parish both active and inactive.
- Immediate family of our members (spouse, children, parents residing with a member).
- Former church members.
- Other Christians at the discretion of the Memory Garden Committee.
Can I Preplan my Funeral and Disposition?
We encourage pre-arrangements. Pre-planning gives peace of mind and assures compliance with your wishes. This avoids later misunderstandings and stress for your loved ones.
What Arrangements can I Make?

Funeral services can be held in the church or the garden. In consultation with the Rector, you can specify the nature of the service, the music and any special requests. Ashes may be interred as part of the service or at a later time. The church allows only ashes in the Memory Garden, no permanent urns or other containers. We carve the name, year of birth and death into a large granite stone in the garden. We also maintain this information in a Memory Garden Record Book in the church office.
What is the Cost?
For a list of current costs for interment on ashes or use of the garden, please contact the church office at (941)355-3262.
Endowment Fund
Nativity has established an endowment fund to maintain the beauty of the garden in perpetuity. All contributions are welcome and tax deductible. You may also sponsor an inscribed brick with a three-line inscription; the Memory Garden committee must approve all inscriptions. For detailed information, contact the church office at (941)355-3262.