ECW: Episcopal Church Women

All women members of Episcopal congregations are members of the ECW. Local organizations, called “branches”, provide service, worship, study, fellowship, and prayer. This is an organization for all women and girls who are members of the Episcopal church.

Our Nativity chapter is currently dormant (no regular meetings scheduled). However, the parish maintains on ongoing connection to the wider community of women through the leadership of our Deanery president.

Contact Nancy Moti for more information.

Why ECW?

The purpose of ECW is to deepen the spiritual life of all church-women and to foster active participation in church programs. We carry on Christ’s work in the world and serve as leaders in the life of the church. We each have different gifts, values and ministries as women.

Ministries previously supported by our Church of the Nativity branch of ECW:

  • Christian Growth and Development: Nativity ECW offers Bible Study (“Journeys in Faith” or JIF), quiet days, DaySpring events, worship times, Deanery gatherings, and always JOY in the Lord in all that we do.
  • Christian Social Concerns: Nativity ECW Outreach Projects include:
    • Operation Christmas Child (Shoe Box world ministry)
    • Nursing Home Gifts
    • Plus donations to local charities and food for the hungry
  • United Thank Offering: Every cent of the UTO ingatherings will help those less fortunate. Our grants meet the needs of shelter, schools, land, vehicles and basic food and clothing throughout the world and even here at home. It is a means of turning lives around.
  • Church Periodical Club: This is a worldwide ministry of the printed word. The CPC Miles of Pennies provides books for children. Look for and donate pennies to our “Red Basket” and also note that the CPC annual book sale is in January.

Come and fellowship with us! We each have different gifts, values, and ministries as women. In ECW there is opportunity to be all we can be together in our worship of the Lord.