Altar Guild

Altar at Church of the Nativity

Members of the Altar Guild (women and men) are essential to our form of worship. They are responsible for everything that takes place on or near the Altar. Our Altar Guild tirelessly set up all the Elements and accessories needed for the Eucharist and mark the Altar Book and Bible for each Service. They keep all the linens immaculately clean and pressed, and all the candles trimmed and ready for lighting. They polish and shine all silver, brass, etc. used in our various services. During Lent, they veil (change colors) and re-veil all the Crosses in the Church. Weekly flowers, holiday flowers, special decorations and much more are all arranged and placed by these Saints. They attend to all special services such as Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, Memorial Services and on and on and on.

Congregants may sponsor the altar flowers in honor of a loved one. A donation of $35 goes to the purchase of the flowers and the arrangement is made by members of the church. A sign up sheet by week is located in the Narthex. 

The Altar Guild always works quietly, prayerfully, and willingly. If you would like to participate in this ministry, contact Marcia Simington at .

Liturgical Colors used by the Altar Guild

We “veil” the altar in different colors, depending on the type of service or time of year.

White: (or gold) recalls the brightness of the day and symbolizes joy, purity, holiness, innocence, and triumph. White adorns the altar on Christmas and Easter, as well as at baptisms, funerals, weddings, and various feasts. 

Red: is a color with two meanings. Reminiscent of blood, it is the color of passion and suffering. We veilin red for Palm Sunday, Holy Week, and on the feasts of martyred saints. Red is also the color of fire, which represents the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, ordinations, and often at confirmations. 

Green: is the color that we see most frequently in the sanctuary. It symbolizes life, growth, and hope, and it represents the growth and spread of Christ’s Church in the world. It is used during the season after Epiphany and the season after Pentecost (called ordinary time).

Violet: is the color of penance and atonement, and it is also the color of the sovereignty of Christ. Violet appears during Advent, as with penitent hearts we prepare ourselves for the coming of Christ, our heavenly King. You will also see it during Lent, as we examine ourselves and atone for our sins. It may also used on All Souls’ Day.

(information about Liturgical colors from the National Altar Guild Association)