Cursillo at Nativity

Cursillo (Cur-SEE’-yo)
Spanish word meaning “short course”
in this case, “a short course in Christian living”

Cursillo is:

bulletan opportunity to grow in faith and in spirituality
bulletan opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the teachings of Jesus and now we can serve Him
bulletan experience of living in a loving and caring Christian community
bulleta continuing community that gives support and encouragement empowering the renewed Christians to persevere in carrying out their Baptismal vows

Cursillo brings together a diverse group of Episcopalians to share the richness of many modes of worship and broaden appreciation for the Church. Lay people conduct the weekend with two or three clergy members as spiritual advisors.

Weekend attendees (called “pilgrims”) should already be well grounded in the faith. The three-day is an enriching and deepening of already existing faith, not meant to be a conversion experience. It often provides new insights into faith as well as fostering ministry among lay people. The local Cursillo begins at Dayspring Episcopal Retreat Center in Parrish on Thursday evening with meditations and discussions. Then pilgrims keep blessed silence until after the worship the next morning. Talks and group discussions fill the days, emphasizing the doctrine of Grace, the Sacraments, and the great Cursillo tripod: piety, study, and action. Weekends include shared prayer, worship, study, music, fellowship, laughter and tears all in a loving atmosphere when you can feel the reality of God’s free and unconditional love. Pilgrims celebrate the Holy Eucharist daily.

After the Weekend

The time after the weekend, known as the “Fourth Day,” extends for the remainder of your life. Through the Cursillo community, there are ongoing means to support Christian ministry and living.  Small groups called reunions are formed and meet regularly on a regional basis. The 4th Day can make that experience turn into a lifetime process of spiritual growth and renewal.

For more information about this worldwide movement visit the National Cursillo Movement USA.