2024, June 13: Ordination
From Father Michael
Dear Nativity Family,

With the feast of the Apostle Barnabas on June 11, thoughts of ordination are in the air. Mid-June has been a traditional time to ordain people to the Diaconate in order for them to qualify for ordination to the Priesthood the following December, just in time for Christmas.
For me June 11 marks thirty-six years of ordination and June 13 marks nine years of the Rev. Ros Hall as a Deacon. And, of course, we are all looking forward to August 10 when Deacon Tim will be ordained a Priest.
Please continue to sustain your clergy with your prayers and support so that God may be glorified in the Church, and in this community!
Fr. Michael
Service Schedule Changes
June 30 is Fr. Michael’s last Sunday as our Priest in Charge. He has requested one service at 9:15am. Mark your calendars so you don’t miss his last Sunday with us.
Also, Deacon Tim’s ordination is not until August 10 so we will be having supply priests for the month of July and August 4. Accordingly we will have only one service at 9:15 for all of those dates. Deacon Tim has requested a 9:15am service for August 11 so his first service with us will be with our whole community together. Again, mark your calendars so you don’t show up either early or late for service or miss Deacon Tim’s first service with us. :-))))))
A New Face
Our Rector-to-be, Deacon Tim, will be officially starting on Monday, June 17. We look forward to having him here and seeing him on our altar. |
2024, June 6: General Convention
Dear Nativity Family,

In about two weeks, hundreds of Episcopalians will gather in Louisville, KY, for the General Convention of the Episcopal Church. This Convention will consider many things including the election of a Presiding Bishop. Five bishops have their name in place and the House of Bishops will elect one of them to a nine-year term. The House of Deputies (Lay Delegates and Clergy Delegates) are then required to affirm this election.
The Presiding Bishop is required to visit all 108 dioceses of the Episcopal Church. The “PB” also presides over the Executive council and many other weighty responsibilities. I ask your prayers for the candidates: Bishops Scott Barker, Daniel Gutierrez, Sean Rowe, Robert Wright, Dede Duncan-Probe.
I also ask your prayer for our current Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry, whose term now comes to an end.
“Almighty and everlasting Father, you have given the Holy Spirit to abide with us forever: Bless, we pray with His grace and presence, the bishops and other clergy and the laity of the General Convention, soon to be assembled in your Name that your Church, being preserved in true faith and godly discipline, may fulfill all the mind of him who loved it and gave himself for it, your Son Jesus Christ our Savior; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.” (Prayer Book, page 255)
Fr. Michael
2024, May 30: Corpus Christi
From Father Michael
Dear Nativity Family,

“Corpus Christi” is more than a city in Texas!
On the Thursday that follows Trinity Sunday, Christians around the Globe take time to remember the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist. While this day is not set aside in the Prayer Book, this day is observed by Roman Catholics, Anglicans, and the Orthodox. It is a public holiday in 25 countries.
Just what is it that happens when we extend our hands to receive the Bread and the Wine of the Holy Eucharist? Since the 13th Century, some have held that Jesus, “transubstantiated”, is physically present. Since the 16th Century, some have held that we are receiving the bread of a memorial meal, taken in gratitude.
I find the Catechism of the Prayer Book to be helpful — “The inward and spiritual grace in the Holy Communion is the Body and Blood of Christ given to his people, and received by faith”.
In any sense, it is the love of God that feeds us and revives our spirits. May the grace of this day lead us to a closer walk with Him.
Fr. Michael
June 30 is Fr. Michael’s last Sunday as our Priest in Charge. He has requested one service at 9:15am. Mark your calendars so you don’t miss his last Sunday with us. Also, Deacon Tim’s ordination is not until August 10 so we will be having supply priests for the month of July and the first Sunday in August. Accordingly we will have only one service at 9:15 for all of those dates. Again, mark your calendars so you don’t show up either early or late for service. :-)))))) |
Monday, June 10, 5:30pm, Parish Hall. Bring Your Own Beef!! MON will supply salad, baked potato, vegetable, rolls & butter, dessert. Cook your own steak or chicken or whatever. Don’t like to cook, we’ll do it for you. Join in on a night of good food and fellowship. Sign up sheet on the MON bulletin board. |
Nativity Bible Study continues Friday, May 31, at 10:00am, in the Parish Hall. The current study is on Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians. If you would like more information, please call Judy Haywood (her number is in the directory). |
Have you remembered Nativity in your Will or your Estate plans? Our Endowment Committee is happy to assist. Please call the Parish Office to make a connection. |
2024, Mar 7: Daylight Savings Time
Dear Parish Family,
Spring forward!

Daylight Saving Time (DST) begins this Sunday. This is the time when we set our clocks AHEAD one hour. The idea of DST is often credited to Benjamin Franklin, who, in 1784, writing to our French allies in Paris, suggested that it would save lamp oil and candles.
I bring up DST to recall Bishop Garrison’s recent sermon when he referred to the lengthening of the days in Lent as a sign of Christian Hope. Even in our penitence, God gives us the gift of the light of His countenance.
And do remember to set your clocks ahead on Saturday night! It is better to “Spring Forward” than to be late for church!
Fr. Michael Durning
EPISCOPAL CHURCH WOMEN This is an invitation to all women of Nativity. We will be having a planning meeting on Wednesday, March 13, at 11:00am in the Library. We look forward to having new thoughts and ideas for this year’s events. |
ST. PAT’S DINNER Traditional Irish St. Pat’s dinner with corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, and bread pudding will be held on Sunday, March 17, at 5:30pm. Sign up at the One Stop Sign Up board in the Parish Hall. A big thank you to M.O.N. (Men of Nativity) for sponsoring this event. Even if you are not Irish, come out and pretend you are for the day/night! |
HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE Palm Sunday: March 24, 8:00am & 10:15am services (No Adult Ed) Maundy Thursday: March 28, 7:00pm Good Friday: March 29, 7:00pmEaster Sunday: March 31, 8:00am & 10:15am services (No Adult Ed) |
ANNUAL SHREDDING Shredding of all your unwanted and outdated paperwork is coming soon in April to a Parish Hall near you. Details to follow! |
WED. EVENING LENT PROGRAMS On Wednesday evenings at 5:30pm, there will be a “Simple Supper” and Lenten presentation. The theme is “Watch and Pray”.March 13: Jackie Overton, Youth Minister of Church of the Redeemer, will share her story.March 20: Marcia Hardy will do a presentation on Icons in the Christian tradition. |
SUNDAY A.M. LENT PROGRAMS The Adult Education Classes, 9:00am Sunday in the Library. “With penitent hearts and steadfast faith” will start on February 25 thru March 17. |
STATIONS OF THE CROSS Wednesdays after the 10:00am Healing Service we will be having Stations of the Cross (10:30am) through Lent. |
FRIDAY BIBLE STUDY Bible Study at 10:00am, in the Library. All are welcome. This week they will be covering Psalm 90. |
ESTATE PLANNING Have you remembered the Church in your estate plans? |
2024, Feb 29: Leap Day!

Dear Parish Family,
Today is February 29 and we are given he gift of an extra day this year!
While totally unrelated to the astronomical event, I thought it might be fun to look at the number of times the word “LEAP” is mentioned in the Bible.
Here are just a few……
- 2 Samuel 6:16: “David leaped and danced”
- Psalm 28:7: “My heart leaps for joy and with my song I praise him.”
- Luke 1:41: “When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.”
May you receive today as a special gift — another day to praise God!
Fr. Michael Durning
Coming Events
MEN OF NATIVITY: A meeting of MON (Men of Nativity) will be held on Saturday, March 2, at 9:00am in the Parish Hall. Ron Hurley will be presenting a program. Also discussion of the St. Pat Dinner will be held. Come join the Men of Nativity for coffee, treats, and fellowship.
WED. EVENING LENT PROGRAMS: On Wednesday evenings at 5:30pm, there will be a “Simple Supper” and Lenten presentation. The theme is “Watch and Pray”.
- March 6: Bill Stoner will share an online resource for studying the Bible.
- March 13: Jackie Overton, Youth Minister of Church of the Redeemer, will share her story.
- March 20: Marcia Hardy will do a presentation on Icons in the Christian tradition.
SUNDAY A.M. LENT PROGRAMS: The Adult Education Classes, 9:00am Sunday in the Library. “With penitent hearts and steadfast faith” will start on February 25 thru March 17.
STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Wednesdays after the 10:00am Healing Service we will be having Stations of the Cross (10:30am) through Lent.
FRIDAY BIBLE STUDY: Bible Study resuming tomorrow, March 1, at 10:00am, in the Library. All are welcome. This week they will be covering Psalm 89.
ESTATE PLANNING: Have you remembered the Church in your estate plans?