2024, Feb 22: Flower Festival is Here!

Dear Parish Family,

Tomorrow marks the beginning of our Flower Festival and English Tea and I hope to see you there. Here in Florida, the best climate of the year occurs during Lent and it is hard to be penitential when the weather is so spectacular! This is a simple fact of life and I am well aware that we all want to take advantage of this time to make ourselves known to the wider community. Therefore, and I probably do not have the power to do this, I would like to pronounce a “lifting of the usual Lenten disciplines”, so we can all enjoy the color, the creativity, the music, and the culinary magic that comes with this annual celebration. Special thanks to all who have labored so hard and so faithfully for our success.

Fr. Michael

Funeral Service

It is with sad and heavy hearts that we announce the passing into the arms of our Lord, Richard Cooper. A long time congregant and loving friend to many. A Memorial Service for Rich will be held on Monday, February 26, at 11:00am. Come out to support Veronica and her family.

Flower Festival Volunteers

REMINDERS for ALL Flower Festival volunteers:

  • Check the sign-ups to be sure of your day and time. Please be prompt.
  • PARK your vehicle at the north end of the driveway or on the front lawn (good advertising).
  • WEAR your Nativity name badge and a SMILE.

Men of Nativity

A meeting of MON (Men of Nativity) will be held on Saturday, March 2, at 9:00am in the Parish Hall. Ron Hurley will be presenting a program. Also discussion of the St. Pat Dinner will be held. Come join the Men of Nativity for coffee, treats, and fellowship.

Wednesday Evening Lent Program

On Wednesday evenings at 5:30pm, there will be a “Simple Supper” and Lenten presentation. This starts on Wed., Feb 21, and ends on March 20.

Sunday Morning Lent Program

The Adult Education Classes, 9:00am Sunday in the Library. “With penitent hearts and steadfast faith” will start on February 25 thru March 17.

Stations of the Cross

Wednesdays after the 10:00am Healing Service we will be having Stations of the Cross (10:30am) through Lent.

2024, Feb 15: First Day of Lent

From Father Michael Durning

Dear Parish Family,
Today is the first full day of the 2024 Lenten season. The word “Lent” derives from the celestial reality that daylight “lengthens” here in the northern hemisphere. Another celestial reality is the calculation of Easter, the Sunday after the first full moon that follows the vernal equinox.

As the people of the first century could not “google” such information, they looked to the heavens for help when setting aside these dates to share. As this holy season gets underway, let us also look to the heavens “from whence comets our help”.

May we approach this holy time with anticipation and true repentance.

Fr. Michael

This Week
February 18, 2024
1st Sunday in Lent
8:00am Holy Eucharist (no music)
10:15am Holy Eucharist (with music)(Livestream)
Rt. Rev. J. Michael Garrison
Fr. Michael Durning
On Wednesday evenings at 5:30pm, there will be a “Simple Supper” and Lenten presentation. This starts on Wed., Feb 21, and ends on March 20.
The Adult Education Classes, 9:00am Sunday in the Library. “With penitent hearts and steadfast faith” will start on February 25 thru March 17. Feb. 25: “An Exhortation”, BCP Page 312.
On February 18 Bishop Michael Garrison will be here to confirm three of our congregants: Linda Lobo, Gail Clay, Bruce Simington.
Wednesdays after the 10:00am Healing Service we will be having Stations of the Cross (10:30am) through Lent.
Thank you all so much for the donations of bread for the English Tea. And, thanks to all of you, we have reached our goal and won’t be needing any more bread. YAAAAAY!!!
The office will be closed on Monday, Feb. 19, in observance of President’s Day. We will reopen on Tuesday.
Bible Study continues tomorrow, Friday, February 16, at 10:00am, in the Library. This week’s study continues with Lesson #6, focusing on Psalm 73. ALL are welcome!!
February 18 Music:
Opening Hymn: 146 Now Let Us All With One Accord
Sequence Hymn: 121 Christ, When For Us You Were Baptized
Offertory Hymn: 149 Eternal Lord Of Love, Behold Your Church
Communion Hymn: 370 I Bind Unto Myself Today
Recessional Hymn: 143 The Glory Of These Forty Days

February 18 Scriptures:
Genesis 9:8-17
Psalm 25:1-91
Peter 3:18-22
Mark 1:9-15

2024, Feb. 8: The Holy Season of Lent.

Dear Parish Family,

On Sunday the 18th (the First Sunday in Lent), we will welcome Bishop Michael and Carol Garrison to our Parish. Both Bishop Michael and Carol are active in supporting “Our Little Roses”, a residential school for girls in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. The need for such a school for girls was made evident when it was discovered that young homeless girls were being sent, without legal cause, to the Honduran prison system for care and feeding.

You can hear more about this ministry by coming to the Parish Hall at 9:00am on Sunday the 18th. I hope you can join us! 

Fr. Michael

Upcoming Events:

ASH WEDNESDAY: This coming Wednesday is Ash Wednesday on February 14 (aka Valentine’s Day). We will be having two services: 12 noon and 7:00pm. See you at one of them.

SHROVE TUESDAY: Also around the corner is Shrove Tuesday (day before Ash Wednesday) on February 13. Plan on a Pancake Dinner at 5:30pm in the Parish Hall.

CONFIRMATION: On February 18 Bishop Michael Garrison will be here to confirm three of our congregants: Linda Lobo, Gail Clay, Bruce Simington.

FUNERALS: The Lord has chosen to take home the following loved one: Helena Stephens, service on February 10 at 11:00am.

2024, Feb 1: Return of “Ordinary Time”

From Father Michael Durning

Dear Parish Family,

Tomorrow, February 2, marks the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. In the “old days” this signaled the end of the Christmas season and a return to “ordinary time”. Just under the surface of the Presentation is the following theme: Just as Jesus was presented in the Temple, so may we have the grace to present ourselves to the Father, having been made pure in the blood of Jesus Christ. In the midst of all the claims that are made upon our time, it may help to remember the account that we will one day make to the Father. When that day comes, it will be the power of Jesus that will admit us into Godly fellowship. As the Prayer for tomorrow says:

Almighty and everliving God, we humbly pray that, as your only-begotten Son was this day presented in the temple, so we may be presented to you with pure and clean hearts by Jesus Christ our Lord; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Fr. Michael

Coming up fast is Ash Wednesday on February 14 (aka Valentine’s Day). We will be having two services: 12 noon and 7:00pm. See you at one of them.
Also around the corner is Shrove Tuesday (day before Ash Wednesday) on February 13. Plan on a Pancake Dinner. More details to follow.
On February 18 Bishop Michael Garrison will be here to confirm three of our congregants: Linda Lobo, Gail Clay, Bruce Simington.
The Lord has chosen to take home the following loved ones:Jane Read, wife of Todd Read, service on February 3 at 11:00am;Helena Stephens, service on February 10 at 11:00am.
There will be a MON meeting on Saturday, Feb. 3, at 9:00am in the Parish Hall. Discussion of Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner and other events to be scheduled. Coffee and other food samplings to share. COME ONE, COME ALL! We will need your help.
Your 2023 annual donor (giving) statements are now available in the Parish Hall.
Mandatory meeting for all flower arrangers only for the Flower Festival on February 4. You can either come to the one after the 8:00am service or after the 10:15am service…..your choice.
Martha would like to invite you to sing in the 2024 English Tea & Flower Festival Concert at the Church of the Nativity! Music and study parts will be available shortly for self-study ahead of rehearsals. Rehearsal dates: Thursday, Feb. 15 and 22, 6:30pm-8:00pm. The performance will be on Saturday, February 24 at noon with a warm up time at 11:15am. To RSVP email Martha at marthalopezsoprano@gmail.com or call/text 941-284-7409. Many thanks!
Bible Study continues tomorrow, Friday, February 2, at 10:00am, in the Library. This week’s study continues with Lesson #4, focusing on Psalm 46:1-11. ALL are welcome!!

2024, Jan 25: Annual Meeting

Dear Parish Family,

As we enter into this Sunday’s Annual meeting, it is important to remember that the followers of Jesus needed to gather from time to time in order to see the “Big Picture” — more than the budget, the bylaws, and the other things required by the Canons of the Church. So as we stand on the verge of our 40th year and as we welcome the Rev. Timothy MacDonald, (who will be part of our meeting “electronically”), let us remember:

Thanks to the Vestry Class of 2024:
Nancy Hurley, Debbie Teahan, John Watson.

Thanks to those nominated to the Vestry Class of 2027:
Nicki Coffaro, David Cashbaugh, Howard Papke.

Thanks to those who have planned the Pot Luck Luncheon preceding the Meeting.

See you there!

Fr. Michael

The Lord has chosen to take home the following loved ones:John Grey, husband of Mary Beth Grey, service on January 27 at 11:00am;Jane Read, wife of Todd Read, service on February 3 at 11:00am;Helena Stephens, service on February 10 at 11:00am.
There will be a MON meeting on Saturday, Feb. 3, at 9:00am in the Parish Hall. Discussion of Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner and other events to be scheduled. Coffee and other food samplings to share. COME ONE, COME ALL! We will need your help.
Your 2023 annual donor (giving) statements are now available in the Parish Hall.
Our Annual Meeting will take place this Sunday, January 28, after the 10:15am service. There will be a Pot Luck Luncheon before the meeting so get your aprons on and bring something to share.
Mandatory meeting for all flower arrangers only for the Flower Festival on February 4. You can either come to the one after the 8:00am service or after the 10:15am service…..your choice.
Martha would like to invite you to sing in the 2024 English Tea & Flower Festival Concert at the Church of the Nativity! Music and study parts will be available shortly for self-study ahead of rehearsals. Rehearsal dates: Thursday, Feb. 15 and 22, 6:30pm-8:00pm. The performance will be on Saturday, February 24 at noon with a warm up time at 11:15am. To RSVP email Martha at marthalopezsoprano@gmail.com or call/text 941-284-7409. Many thanks!
The Bylaws of the Parish require that there be a Nominating Committee tasked with proposing candidates for election to be Vestry members. Our Nominating Committee (Nancy Hurley, Debbie Teahan, John Watson) have nominated the following people to be elected to the Vestry Class of 2027: Nicki Coffaro, David Cashbaugh, Howard Papke. Their names will be formally placed into nomination at the January 28 Annual Meeting.
The Calendar for the 2024 Altar Flowers is ready for your names and the names of loved ones (past, present, future). It is located in the same place as the 2023 Calendar, just inside the main doors to the church. Reserve your Sunday while they are still available!
Are you interested in volunteering 4 hours of your time once a week? Doctor’s Hospital is in need of volunteers. It is a fabulous use of your spare time, gets you out of the house, very rewarding knowing you are helping others (Jesus would approve). A free meal is even included!! For more information, please contact Liz Cramer (telephone number in the directory).
Bible Study continues tomorrow, Friday, January 19, at 10:00am in the Library. This week’s study continues with Lesson #3, focusing on Psalm 32. ALL are welcome!!

January 28 Music:
Opening Hymn: 616 Hail To The Lord’s AnointedSequence Hymn: 567 Thine Arm, O Lord, In Days Of OldOffertory Hymn: 371 Thou, Whose Almighty WordCommunion Hymn: 493 O For A Thousand Tongues To SingRecessional Hymn: 437 Tell Out, My Soul, The Greatness Of The Lord
January 28 Scriptures:
Deuteronomy 18:15-20Psalm 1111 Corinthians 8:1-13Mark 1:21-28