Acolytes / Ushers Greeters / Lay Readers

The assistance of willing lay people to help with the flow of worship is essential and important work, appreciated by all of us.


Acolytes process into and out of the church each Sunday with the Rector. The crucifer acolyte bears the cross in the procession. Acolytes serve at the altar, helping to set the communion table and distribute the communion wafers.

Ushers / Greeters

Ushers / Greeters present the first impression of our church to our visitors. These volunteers joyously serve our Lord by making all who enter our sanctuary feel welcome and know that the Holy Spirit resides here.

Lay Readers (or Lectors)

God’s Word is spoken directly to us at every service. The lessons each week are read by our fellow worshippers, known as Lay Readers or “lectors.” Lector is derived from the Latin word for reader. Lectors are non-ordained volunteers who participate in a ministry of service to the congregation. Lectors enter into a warm and loving relationship with the Word of God. You will find that being a lector blesses you as much as it blesses others. We rotate readers. This allows you time to study and rehearse and let the Lord touch you and and let His words be a light for His people.